Blue Mass 2012

Sayreville Police Department personnel marching toward the Cathedral.

The Sun broke through the clouds just minutes before hundreds of law enforcement officers gathered outside of the Cathedral of Saint Francis for the 2012 Diocese of Metuchen Blue Mass. This annual event honors those among us who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their communities.

Blue Mass 2012

This year the Sayreville Police Department was given the honor of acting as the host agency for the event. Marching behind our Honor Guard, Chief Zebrowski led the long lines of Officers from local, county, state, and federal agencies in to the Cathedral for the Mass. The celebrant was Bishop Paul Bootkoski who was joined by many concelebrating Priests including Father Thomas Ryan of Our Lady of Victories and Father Kenneth Murphy of Saint Stanislaus Kostka Church.

We are very grateful to the members of our community who attended to show their support. In addition to several elected Officials and many family members we are especially grateful to the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students from both OLV and Saint Stan’s who joined in the celebration.


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