1000 Main St, Sayreville, NJ 08872
Sometimes we just need your assistance to ensure your safety, the safety of others and the safety of your property. Below are some forms that we have provided for you.
Please utilize this form to apply for the Sayreville Police Department Adult Academy.
Please utilize this form to register for the Women’s Self Defense Class which will be held on December 9th, 2019
Operation Safe Return
The Sayreville Police Department is dedicated to preserving the safety of our residents. A critical part of this mission is to ensure the safety of residents of our Borough who have special needs. To achieve this goal we are in the process of collecting information that would be helpful if one of our residents with developmental disabilities or persons afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease becomes lost or is unable to provide responding police with information that will allow us to contact their family in an emergency. It is our hope that you will choose to participate in this voluntary program.
What we hope to achieve in this program is the collection of emergency contact information and a digital photo that will be stored in our computer system. In the event of an emergency when time is critical this will enable the Police Department to have immediate access to emergency information that will allow us to contact parents, guardians, or other persons designated by you in the quickest possible way. Participation in this program will in no way create a “police record”. The data collected will be used by the Sayreville Police Department to respond properly and efficiently to an emergency involving a person with developmental or cognitive disabilities.
If you would like to participate in this program please fill out the data collection form on this website and follow the instructions to submit a digital photo of the person you are registering.
Thank you for considering this program. We feel it is a major step toward ensuring that all of our residents, especially the most vulnerable, receive the highest caliber of police assistance in an emergency.
Please download this form, complete and submit (along with a photo) via email to communityoutreach@sayreville.com.
Are you leaving your home on vacation or for a long period of time?
Please utilize this Vacant Home form so that we may provide extra patrols.
Please utilize this mail-in form to register your alarm.
Be advised that there is a one time $20.00 application fee (payable to the Borough of Sayreville). Application may be mailed in to:
Sayreville Police Department
Attn: Alarm Registration
1000 Main st.
Sayreville N.J. 08872